Covenants & Architectural Review Committee
Architectural Review Committee Checklist
For Exterior Changes to Home or Additional Buildings Planned
Structural Changes: consult with Orange County Planning Dept.
(919) 245-2575
Y / N Change allowed by OCP? Permit needed? Please provide details with the submitted plan. Record of mail or phone communication with OCP should suffice.
Y / N Color Change? Please submit a request/color swatch to ARC Committee.
Y / N Plan submitted to ARC Committee. Date:_________________________
Suggested contents: sketched drawing of intended changes showing the location of changes relative to road fronting the house, approx. direction of north indicated, a brief narrative of planned changes
Note: outbuildings must adhere to OC Planning restrictions and NHS covenants unless a variance is granted per conditions.
For Landscape Changes Including Tree Removal
Y / N Plan submitted to ARC Committee. Date:_________________________
Use suggested changes in the plan as listed above. Fences are considered landscaping.
Note: Covenants restrict cutting/removal of specimen trees except by ARC approval. Saplings less than 6” diameter and volunteer scrub growth undermine healthy forest landscapes. Homeowners are encouraged to cull these to maintain their property. Please notify your immediate neighbors before doing any of this work to prevent any misunderstandings that might arise.
Please download this page and use it as a reference in any planned alterations to the external part of your home, any additional buildings planned, or any major landscape changes, which include the removal of large specimen trees.
Submit/post a copy of this checklist with your plan sketch to a member of the ARC.